A successful nursery is a combination of skilled and caring people with efficient and effective key policies.
We acknowledge that our key policies and procedures are fundamental to ensuring we maintain the highest standards at all times.
Following is an index of Policies & Procedures, please contact us to request a full copy of each.
Accident and Injury policy
Aims and Objectives
Administration of medicine
Behaviour management
Cairndow Community Childcare Children’s Rights
Children’s Attire and Belongings
Child protection
Confidentiality procedures
Curriculum of Excellence
Drugs and Alcohol
Data Protection- Photography
Emergency Closure
Equality Opportunities
Extreme Weather
Fair Work Statement
Fire Drill Procedures
Food Safety
Hand Washing Procedures
Health And Safety
Inclusion- Children with Additional Support Needs
Infection Control
Missing/Absent and Lost Persons
Mobile phone
Nappy changing
Observation, assessment and planning
Partnership with parent’s
Personal Hygiene
Qualification and Registration of Employees
Record keeping and progress reports
Risk assessment
Staff development and Training
Sleep and Rest
Student and Volunteer
Whistle blowing
Policy of the Month
Aim’s and Objectives
- To provide a safe, secure, welcoming, and happy environment for children from the ages 6 months to 5 years.
- To provide quality experiences for children aged 0 to 3 years following the guidance contained in the Pre-Birth to Three Document – Positive Outcomes for Scotland's Children and Families.
- To follow the Curriculum for Excellence for children aged 3 to 5 years to provide quality activities and experiences to promote each child’s development and learning in all 8 areas of the curriculum.
- To apply the GIRFEC (Getting it Right for Every Child) approach to enable each child to become a confident individual, an effective contributor, a successful learner and a responsible citizen.
- We will use SHANARRI to support children to be: Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible, and Included.
- To refer to and follow best practise as indicated by the Health and Social Care Standards – My support, My life; Child at the Centre 2 and the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) Codes of Practice.
- To treat every child as an individual recognising additional needs, gender, race, nationality, and culture.
- To encourage equal opportunities for all children and adults involved with the nursery.
- To recognise the value of families input and encourage them to share in their children’s learning.
- To promote positive behaviour by praising, encouragement and being attentive to the needs of the children.
- To continually assess the guidance available from all sources, particularly government departments and work towards best practice in all areas.
- To value all staff highly and ensure that every opportunity is given to each staff member to develop their personal skills and to broaden their knowledge and skills in caring for and educating children.