Healthy Eating
Healthy Eating
Our aim is to provide a healthy and nutritious meal for all children at Cairndow Community Childcare. We follow Setting The Table (Nutritional Guidance and Food Standards for Early Years Childcare Providers in Scotland 2014) Published by NHS Health Scotland. Information detailed below was taken from the document “Setting the table”
“This guidance celebrates the contribution that childcare providers can have in shaping the future eating patterns of young children in Scotland. Implementing this guidance will:
champion the importance of a well-balanced diet and positive choices both with children and their parents
assist providers to work with families who face the biggest challenges in providing a healthy diet for their children
highlight the importance of food as a tool for social development and learning”

Allergies/Dietary Requirements
If you are aware that your child has an allergy / dietary requirement to certain foods or food product, please ensure that you inform staff, and the information is added onto your child's individual care plan.
It is important that you tell us no matter how minor or severe the allergy is.
A list of children with allergies is kept in each group.
All children have their own allergy cards for snack / lunch times detailing any allergy, dietary requirements so that all staff are fully aware.

How the Policy is Implemented
Mealtimes should be social, learning times when we can sit down with our friends quietly to enjoy our food.
Good examples of table manners and behaviour is given by a member of staff sitting with small groups of children. Children are encouraged to try new things and learn about healthy eating.
All snacks are provided at Cairndow Community Childcare. All food is freshly prepared daily on site in our kitchen. All our snacks are nutritionally balanced and designed in conjunction with “Setting the table” Nutritional Guidelines for children.
Fresh fruit and vegetables are always available. Salt, sugar and additives are kept to a bare minimum.
At least three portions of fruit and vegetables are on offer each day.
We encourage children to drink water throughout the day. They have milk at snack times and water with lunch. We also encourage them to bring a water bottle each day which they can access whenever they want to.
All dietary requirements are catered for and weaning programs are followed in line with parent’s wishes and Health Authority Guidelines.