Covid 19 Policy
Covid19 Policy
Acquiring the Industry Standard mark means that our business has followed government and industry COVID-19 guidelines, we have a Risk Assessment in place and a process to maintain cleanliness and aid social distancing.
Please be assured that we have implemented many more safety measures to help protect you and our staff from the transference of a virus such as SARS/Coronavirus and these include;
Exclusive family sessions or restricted occupancy
Hand washing and sanitising stations throughout
Signage and increased staff training
Screens at till points
Card payments ONLY
Adventure Zone booking online ONLY
Even more regular cleaning and sanitising
We have left a buffer between Adventure Zone sessions to enable us to carry out a complete hygienic clean in-between play sessions and an extended deep clean at the start and end of the day. The buffer clean will concentrate on high touch areas including play equipment, all surfaces and toilet facilities in-line with current covid19 cleaning protocols for cleaning and disinfecting.
The deep clean will include walls, floors, glass and every other surface and will be 'double cleaned', disinfected and sanitised. We have removed any items that are not needed to make the area more streamlined to make cleaning easier. Fresh air is continually passed through the area by both door access to outside, fresh air fan and 'Air Scrubber' being on throughout the day.
There are hand-washing facilities and sanitiser is supplied and we ask that you make sure every member of your family group washes their hands on arrival, before leaving and also before and after consuming drinks and snacks as a minimum. Sanitising can be used in-between hand washing.
As bookings at present are in one exclusive group, face-masks are worn at your discretion. Our staff members will wear appropriate face covering while in the Adventure Zone.
We thank you for kindly following all guidelines both written and relayed by our team members, in the interest of everyone's safety.

Covid19 Policy
Physical distancing, hand hygiene and respiratory hygiene are the most important and effective things we can all do to prevent the spread of coronavirus. The wearing of face coverings must not be used as an alternative to any of these other precautions.
Covid19 symptoms include loss of taste and/or smell, high temperature, shortness of breath, persistent dry cough, headaches, diarrhea.
We would ask that if any member of the family group was showing any symptoms however slight of having the coronavirus,
If any member of the family group has been in contact with, or suspects contact with anyone who has tested positive for coronavirus,
If any member of the family group has been asked to self-isolate for any reason,
If any member of the family group has taken a test for coronavirus and is waiting on the result, or who has been given a positive result for coronavirus and they and the family members are still within the quarantined time frame,
that they reschedule the booking of the play session to a later date or cancel the booking with us immediately. Please contact us by phone or e-mail to do this.
Remember - Cough and sneeze into a tissue, or your elbow. Dispose of any tissues and litter directly into the bins provided.
If you or a member of your family group becomes unwell during your session, please let a member of our team know and they will instruct you in following protocols and getting you help.
Arrival & Departure
On arrival at the Adventure Zone front door, a team member will let you in. You will see the hand sanitizing station , please use before entering the building. Once in, please make sure everyone in your group washes their hands in the washroom before entering into the play area.
Please check-in at reception and sign-in for the track and trace procedure.
On departure, please double check that you have all your belongings with you.
Please think of others and arrive no earlier than your booked time, and leave in a timely manner by the end of your booked session. This gives The Fyne Den team, every opportunity to clean in time for the next families.
Covid19 Policy
Social distancing
Every attempt will be made by our staff to limit any contact with you except when you approach the screened reception area or in a medical emergency where it may be unavoidable, in which case our team member will wear correct PPE.
Currently our sessions are reduced visitor numbers and we ask that no more than one family member in the group approaches reception at one time. Please ensure you arrive no earlier than your booked time and leave no later than the end of your session to enable families to come and go at The Den with limited contact.
​​Adult supervision
Please ensure you keep your child or children within sight at all times.
More than ever we feel this is really important in order to maintain everyone’s safety.
Safety / First Aid
The safety of our staff and visitors is really important to us. Please look after each other and respect guidelines. Should an accident happen we have reviewed first aid procedures. Where possible we recommend you bring your own plasters, wipes and hand gel in case they are needed.
The main unisex/disabled loo has the baby changing unit. Soiled nappies should be bagged and disposed of in waste bin. Ladies toilets have been reduced to two cubicles to give more chance of distancing, the gents toilets has one cubicle and two spaced urinals.
There are no hand dryers present which reduces the possible spread of droplets.
We ask that visitors wash their hands after using the loos, and to reduce contact with doors, it is suggested you use a hand towel when closing taps and using door handle on way out. This towel can then be deposited in the bin outside the toilet, greatly reducing any risk of cross contamination.
The toilets are cleaned, disinfected and sanitised between any use.
Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, water, juice, snack bars and biscuits will be available to purchase from reception. We will give you your cups, tea bag, milk portions, sugar, stirrers etc along with your cup to make your own choice from the coffee machine, limiting any need to touch them on a self-service servery.
After the initial session payment, which is taken online at time of booking, all further entry payments for extra children, party themes, or for tea, coffee etc. are by Contactless or credit/debit card only. We are totally cashless!
Please see NHS 111 website for advice - https://111.nhs.uk/covid-19/
Face masks
social distancing-
We thank you for your cooperation and understanding while we are all working to new practices. We are constantly adapting to keep everyone as safe as possible whilst offering our facilities in recognition of the need for families to have space to play together.
Thank you for taking the time to read through and digest this information.